--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> There are two ways you could go, depending on what
> you want.
> Change each element within the series, or return a
> new series with the
> result of your operation applied to each element.
> For the first approach...
> values-block: [1 2 3]
> while [not tail? values-block] [
>     values-block: change values-block values-block/1
> * 7
> ]
> values-block: head values-block ; Sets the series
> back to it's head.
> print values-block

This is what I tried. Doesn't work...
> For the second approach....
> >> source-block: [1 2 3]
> == [1 2 3]
> >> result-block: make block! 3
> == []
> >> foreach elt source-block [
> [        append result-block elt * 7
> [    ]
> == [7 14 21]
> >> print result-block
> 7 14 21
This works! Thanks.. 
> For something more advanced...
> With due credit to the original authors Ladislav
> Mecir and Carl Sassenrath.
> Below is a function that does it. This function is
> advanced in the sense
> that it takes a function as an argument. Passing the
> function in is done in
> a special way.
> map: func [{Maps a function to all elements of a
> block}
>     f [any-function!] blk [block!]
>     /local result
> ][
>     result: make block! length? blk
>     foreach elem blk [
>         append/only result f :elem
>     ]
>     result
> ]
> Use it like this:
> >> my-func: func[x][ x * 7]   ; Here I declare my
> function. my-func is a
> word that refers to the created function.
> >> map :my-func [1 2 3]    ; Here I call map, the
> colon gets the value of
> my-func word - in this case the function I created.
> == [7 14 21]
> >>

Perfect. Just what I needed. Wish there was a way to
make simple one-off functions in a block like [ + 5]

> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2000 8:48 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] APL'ish operations
> > Apologies if this is trivial ... but I can't seem
> to
> > find a good way to do this.
> > I want to do elementwise operations on sequences,
> i.e.
> > add a scalar to each element, dot product of two
> > sequences, cross product, matrix vector products.
> How
> > do I do this in REBOL? I tried foreach, forall
> with
> > modify but was unable to do it...
> >
> > =====
> > - Rohit & Malvika Jain
> >
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