When your dealing with LDAP, you have to first deal
       with BER (basic encoding rules -- a subset of ASN.1 --
       abstract syntax notation, spec 1).  This is a binary
       TLV (Type Length Value) encoding scheme for sending
       "self describing" objects around the network.  The
       implementation details are a little hairy, but one of
       the motivations for expanding support for manipulating
       the binary! datatype in REBOL was in consideration of
       things like BER.

       If you create a BER.r script (which should only take as
       long as it takes to understand BER, and maybe a day or
       so to implement it) then it will also help someone to
       create SNMP which also uses BER.

       Another way to do it: REBOL/command can import an API
       implemented in a shared library, such as Netscape's
       LDAP sdk.


> There is a free LDAP perl/cgi script called
> LDAP express at http://www.browserexpress.com/LE-Features.shtml
> It looks like  about 7 or 8 pages  of perl -script.  It can
> be translated to REBOL,  but also looks  like it depends on
> some other serious looking perl mods (.pm files).
> Anybody,  know of some  other sources  that  maybe could be
> translated into REBOL? or any better ideas?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:  Vos, Doug Sent: Tuesday,  July  25, 2000 2:49 PM To:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [REBOL] Anyone doing something with
> Has anyone put together any scripts using LDAP?
> LDAP (light-weigt directory access protocal)
> There was some talk of   LDAP  going into /command at   one
> time.
> - Doug

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