Hi Pete,

To be able to pass a word to your function and have the word set to the
object created in the function requires two changes to your code: 

1. The argument must be declared using a lit-word! notation:

logo-factory: func [ 'name ] [ .... ]

note the tick in front of name, i.e. 'name

2. You must use the set function to assign the created object to the word
passed to the function, i.e.

  set :name make object! [ ....]

The complete modified code follows:

logo-factory: func [
    "Creates and returns a named logo object."
    'name  "The name of the object to be created."
  set :name make object! [
    type: "text"
    text: ""
    pict: #{}
    file: ""
    altt: ""
    switch-type: func [
         "Toggles the logo object's type between 'text' and 'pict'."
         type: either type = "text" ["pict"]["text"]

>> logo-factory Logo1
>> print mold Logo1

make object! [
    type: "text"
    text: ""
    pict: #{}
    file: ""
    altt: ""
    switch-type: func [
        {Toggles the logo object's type between 'text' and 'pict'.}
        type: either type = "text" ["pict"] ["text"]

At 11:36 AM 8/17/00 -0400, you wrote:
>btw, I sent a message almost identical to this one from my home account last
>night, and it isn't here. Is it because the list doesn't rec that other
>I've got a function called logo-factory that accepts a string argument, and
>should return an object referenced by a word = the passed string. ie., if
I type
>       *logo-factory Logo1*
>I should get the same result as if I typed
>       *Logo1: make object! [....]*
>I'm befuddled as to how to do this exactly -- I'm sure the answer is right
>my nose ;-)
>Here's sort of what I have so far:
>logo-factory: func [
>    "Creates and returns a named logo object."
>    name [string!] "The name of the object to be created."
>    ????? make object! [
>        type: "text"
>        text: ""
>        pict: #{}
>        file: ""
>        altt: ""
>        switch-type: func [
>            "Toggles the logo object's type between 'text' and 'pict'."
>        ][
>            type: either type = "text" ["pict"]["text"]
>        ]
>    ]
>Obviously, there's a lot missing here, like handling an argument string which
>can't be used as a valid word, etc. Other functions like get-pict and
>write-html, etc., also need to be added.
>Any and all suggestions are welcome!

;- Elan [ : - ) ]
    REBOL Press: The Official Source for REBOL Books
    visit me at http://www.TechScribe.com

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