akhar wrote:
>     Title:   "e-mail finder"
>     Date:    13-May-2000
>     Author:  "Stephane Jolicoeur"
>     File:    %octo.r
>     Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     Purpose: {
>         To find urls within a file!!!
>     }
>     Comments: {
>         do not use for SPAM
>     }
> ]
> urls: make block!

Need a integer size after 'block!.

> text: make string! 0
> html-code: [
>  thru "http://" copy url to newline (append urls url) |
>  copy txt to "http:" (append text txt)
> ]
> page: read %urls.txt
> parse page [to "http://" some html-code]
> foreach url urls

Need a '[ after 'urls, as you're repeating the below code for each URL.

Have the line:
        url: join http:// url
    as it simplifies code.

>  if exists? join http:// [url] [

Don't need '[ and '] around 'url.

>   as: read join http:// [url]

Better as:
        as: read url

>    ;print url
>    if find as "@" [

Above is better as:
        either find as "@" [
    BTW are you looking for URLs or email addresses in the page?

>     print ["@" "fut trouver sur" url]
>     newline
>     print " "

Above is better as:
        print ["@" "fut trouver sur" url newline

>    ] print "cannot find it"

Above is better as:
    ] [print "cannot find it"]    ; Other branch of 'either.

>   clear as

No need for above line

>   ][print ["je ne peux acceder ce site:" url]]

I'm fairly sure this line isn't needed.

> ];

No need for semi-colon in above line.

> as: ask "done??"

This line should be moved above the '[ above.

Fix these problems and your problem should be solved for all sites that
don't require cookies, or that don't require specific browsers.

I hope that helps! Good luck.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

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