Howdy, Brian: 

> >The security risks  of modifiable REBOL  code will be best
> >dealt with by modules.   Untrusted REBOL code can evaluate
> >in a  module   prevented from  affecting  the  surrounding
> >execution environment.
> I'd be curious to see how that  is done. The current module
> spec doesn't prohibit the kind of change to the code of the
> mezzanine  functions  that   I   outlined,  nor  the  hacks
> involving changes to the specs that Ladislav mentioned.

  The current spec doesn't directly address this issue, but
  essentially the idea is that modules will provide secure
  execution environments.  It's a deep question, and one that
  the final design will address.  I'm looking forward to the
  "answer" myself. 

> The problem with  the current module  spec is that once you
> make a function visible  inside a module so  that it can be
> used  there, that function can  be modified.

  Maybe, and maybe not... :-)
> Don't  misunderstand, I'm as  much  a fan of self-modifying
> code as the next mad scientist - it's just that I'm willing
> to give  up modifiable functions  for  security reasons. We
> should be able to  get by with replaceable functions, since
> we can easily  track assignment if we  want to. If we still
> need self-modifying code we can still do blocks.

  Insightful observations, Brian. 

> >Besides, only good    hackers use REBOL!    ;-) Why  would
> >someone be   so evil  as to  make    good little  REBOL do
> >something bad?! (-;
> A jealous Perl enthusiast, perhaps? :-)

  Ditto.  (-:


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