I've finally got paths working on functions. So you can call a refined
function fairly easily. Other may know this, but it was new on me.

In the following example f1 will called a refined version of f2. The nice
thing is how it just calls existing functions. Also, it leaves the argument
passing to the caller.

    to-refined-function: function [
        "Refines a function with the specified refinements."
        refinements [any-block!]
    ] [p] [
        p: to-path head insert/only head copy refinements f

    f1: function [
        x y
    ] [a-func refines] [
        refines: [r2 r3]
        a-func: to-refined-function f2 refines
        a-func x y

    f2: func [
        /r2 y
    ] [
        print ["Function f2 was called with parameter" mold x]
        if r1 [ print "Refinement r1 was called." ]
        if r2 [ print ["Refinement r2 was called with parameter" mold y] ]
        if r3 [ print "Refinement r3 was called." ]

Now the test.

    >> f1 "test" "2nd-param"
    Function f2 was called with parameter "test"
    Refinement r2 was called with parameter "2nd-param"
    Refinement r3 was called.


>> my-rebol-stuff
== http://www.zipworld.com.au/~bhandley/rebol

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