> On 23-Ago-00, you wrote:
>  p> REBOL (product) doesn't seem to care about such quality of
>  p> presentation. REBOL slideshow dialect was very nice example,
>  p> but try to move a few faces around the screen - too slow, too
>  p> jerky, etc. Maybe it's just question of some regularly
> Try to go to Scala, and tell them you want to see their product
> running on xx different platforms. They'll laughing at you! :-)

Yes, I know - as Dave Haynie said - he left mainly because Scala got too
much tied to Windows. It uses DirectX IIRC. But do you remember those
glory days of Amiga and its chipset? Scala running very very smoothly on
such underpowered (by today standards) piece of hw. And what? Was it
bigger than 500 kb? And scala presentation was just script. And it had
network capabilities too.

I miss REBOL trying to participate in area of multimedia .... sad today
topic of discussion is just big boys and "e" stuff ... People forgot
having fun ;-)

> REBOL/View is slow because it is too general. Its engine is really
> powerful (perhaps it only lacks alpha blending). It can surely be
> speeded up by using a less general approach for the common cases
> (see the speed gain we got with the buffering of opaque faces).

It lacks slightly more :-)

- We can't change mouse pointer e.g. From days of beta2 I suggested
possibility of hiding mouse pointer, or having it replaced by two faces
- one defining area of cursor, while second one (inside) area of sensor
- We haven't solved yet how to display-during-downloading. (sometimes
its boring to wait till all the stuff is downloaded) ...
- It lacks proper datatypes as we know it from Amiga. RT is so much
scared about REBOL multiplatform issues one can't believe it. Move
/shell and /library into free REBOL version (/Core, /View) and let
people implement various additions. It would allow to start open-source
projects of multiplatform REBOL support libraries. But who's gonna do it
for free once we will have to pay for /Command?
- RT business model (although not publicly presented) seems to prefer
end-solution instead of technology excelence (as Carl mentioned his love
for proper modularisation etc etc. Components are not currently freely
pluggable unpluggable, can't load /View to /Command etc etc.), but
that's the world I don't understand, once you are not on your own
(venture capital), you have to take some intermediate steps to get money
back ... I can understand it, it just makes life more difficult :-)

... I just wish history would repeat and Carl would announce "back to
the roots" scenario once again, the same way as he did when he announced
REBOL2 Contra project, getting REBOL back where it should be - small,
efficient, faster - an engine (no place for not abstracted hardwired


> Regards,
>     Gabriele.
> --
> Gabriele Santilli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Amigan - REBOL programmer
> Amiga Group Italia sez. L'Aquila -- http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/

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