I have often wished I could do what you want.
Sometimes you want to have your cake and eat it, too!

It is a drag to have to insert first everywhere
in examples like this:

forall somelist [print first somelist]

and when you do this:

foreach element somelist [print element]

this is great as long as you don't also need
to know it's position.  many times you may
need that position.

You can also do this:

repeat i length? somelist [print somelist/:i]

which is sort of ok

as you can see, in your example below,
item is the actual character from the string,
not the string, therefore you can't ask for it's
position, as it won't have access to that info.

I suppose Rebol could create a local keyword
that stored that index, because obviously, internally
it does know what the index really is.
But Rebol avoids creating new keywords, and
when you get multiple nested structures, exposing
that index as a keyword might be a real drag.

And how come there isn't a short hand for:
  list: next list

wouldn't it be helpful to everybody to have
something like this:
  advance list
which would do the same thing, and even better
as a native.

I guess one could make up your own function,
but then everybody would be re-inventing this
wheel independently.  It seems like it ought to
come with the system.

>===== Original Message From [EMAIL PROTECTED] =====
>       Is there an alternative for:
>       >>a: "101"
>       >>foreach item a [print index? item]
>       1
>       2
>       3
>Obvious to you REBOL gurus this generates an error.  But it illustrates
>clearly what I want to do.  Damn, index? is native!  :)   Anyone have some
>helpful alternatives.
>Paul Tretter

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