As I understand your question:
    Rebol is interpreted.
    Even if it were byte-compiled, I presume that
    you would still have function calls, but optimized.
   Furthermore, in the case of Python or Elisp (as in Emacs)
   doesn't the interpreter need to be present to "interpret"
   the byte-compiled syntax?
This is a interesting question and I hope there is more
response to it and further:
    I believe that the term "byte-compile" has different
    implementations in Java as opposed to Python.
    And maybe this is something in Rebol's future.

After all, I have seen the Rebol Development Team pay
close attention to suggestions from List members.

See 'ya

> Is REBOL interpreted or byte-compiled?
> The reason I ask this is I see get word called 800,000 times below and I hope that 
>each invocation does not incur the overhead of a function call.
> source: func [
>     "Prints the source code for a word."
>     'word [word!]
> ][
>     prin join word ": "
>     if not value? word [print "undefined" exit]
>     either any [native? get word op? get word action? get word] [
>         print ["native" mold third get word]
>     ] [print mold get word]
> ]
> ---
> ; run this in your
> ; <a href=>REBOL</a> Interpreter!
> terrence-brannon: [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] perl-refugee myth-gamer ]
> perl-refugee: [ 'loved href perl discovery: (metaperl = rebol) 'hates href perl ]
> myth-gamer:
> ; angles makes this a href instead of code! use ur imagination!
> href: func [U T] [ rejoin [ "a href=" U ">" T "/a" ] ]
> perl: href "Perl"
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