Hi I would like ... rephrase that: In order to impress my higher-ups, I MUST 
demonstrate the ability of REBOL to encrypt a file and ftp it to a host. I can handle 
the FTP part. 

Vis-a-vis the PGP part, from Perl we were making system calls to a PGP binary. But 
REBOL does appear to make system calls.


; run this in your
; <a href=http://www.rebol.com>REBOL</a> Interpreter!
terrence-brannon: [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] perl-refugee myth-gamer ]
perl-refugee: [ 'loved href perl discovery: (metaperl = rebol) 'hates href perl ]

; angles makes this a href instead of code! use ur imagination!
href: func [U T] [ rejoin [ "a href=" U ">" T "/a" ] ]
perl: href http://www.perl.com "Perl"

On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 8:37:13   
 grantwparks wrote:
>Could this script evolve in the following ways?
>1.  Ignore header info like author, date and comments
>2.  Ignore a difference in URLs, filenames, etc. when
>they are the target of a particular verb.  I.E. if I
>read a URL, but the specific value differs, the 2
>scripts are still doing the same thing.  In fact the
>coolest thing I can think of in this case would be
>reporting that "these 2 scripts are functionally the
>same, but the first operates on URL:
>http://www.url1.com and the second on
>Don't mean to put the work on others, but I have
>barely had the time to even dabble with Rebol, yet
>(hey, 'dabble with Rebol' has a cool ring to it!).  I
>do, however, have a knack for grammars and other
>meta/abstraction concepts.  And since one can look at
>the template of any defined function at run time, it
>seems possible to determine which tokens have
>significance in a context, and which have none or
>less.  Sort of like being able to determine that "the
>names have been changed to protect the innocent", but
>the story's the same.  What dost thou think?
>--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Well, it sounded fun so here's what I've got.  The
>> output running it
>> on the two files you talked about is at the bottom. 
>> The diff shows a
>> list of blocks with tokens and a number which is how
>> many times that
>> token was in the file.  You may see the same token
>> listed in the diff
>> for each file if the number of appearances is
>> different.
>> Well, enjoy!
>> Sterling
>> REBOL [
>>      Title: "Simple token diff"
>>      Purpose: {
>> I don't know, really.  It just tries to
>> figure out how many REBOL tokens are different
>> between two files.  Somebody thought it would
>> be neat. ;)  Maybe they'll ake it complete and
>> fix whatever lurking bugs there are in this code.}
>>      Author: "Sterling Newton"
>> ]
>> a: ask "File or URL #1? "
>> b: ask "File or URL #2? "
>> get-type: func [item [string!]] [
>>      switch/default true reduce [
>>              found? find item "://" [item: to-url item]
>>              found? find item "%" [item: to-file next item]
>>      ] [a: to-file a]
>>      item
>> ]
>> a: get-type a
>> b: get-type b
>> ; the unique tokens and totals blocks
>> foreach item [a-tokens b-tokens a-totals b-totals] [
>>      set item copy []
>> ]
>> file1: load/next a
>> file2: load/next b
>> tokenize-block: func [
>>      blk [block!] tokens [block!] totals [block!]
>>      /local tmp idx]
>> [
>>      while [not empty? blk] [
>>              either block? blk/1 [
>>                      tokenize-block load/next form blk/1 tokens totals
>>              ] [
>>                      either tmp: find tokens blk/1 [
>>                              idx: index? tmp
>>                              totals/:idx/2: totals/:idx/2 + 1
>>                      ] [
>>                              append tokens blk/1
>>                              repend/only totals [blk/1 1]
>>                      ]
>>              ]
>>              blk: load/next blk/2
>>      ]
>> ]
>> tokenize-block load/next file1 a-tokens a-totals
>> tokenize-block load/next file2 b-tokens b-totals
>> print ["The two files differ by:" length? difference
>> a-tokens b-tokens "tokens."]
>> print ["----- Tokens in" a "not in" b "-----"]
>> foreach item intersect diff: difference a-totals
>> b-totals a-totals [
>>      probe item
>> ]
>> print ["----- Tokens in" b "not in" a "-----"]
>> foreach item intersect diff b-totals [
>>      probe item
>> ]
>> ========== results from the two web page emailing
>> scripts ==========
>> >> do %/home/moses/temp/diff.r                    
>> File or URL #1?
>> http://www.rebol.com/library/html/mailpage.html
>> File or URL #2?
>> http://www.rebol.com/library/html/websend.html 
>> The two files differ by: 14 tokens.
>> ----- Tokens in
>> http://www.rebol.com/library/html/mailpage.html not
>> in http://www.rebol.com/library/html/websend.html
>> -----
>> [Email 2]
>> [a 2]
>> [Page 1]
>> [mailpage.r 1]
>> [10-Sep-1999 1]
>> [page. 1]
>> [(simple) 1]
>> [http://www.rebol.com/releases.html</font> 1]
>> ----- Tokens in
>> http://www.rebol.com/library/html/websend.html not
>> in http://www.rebol.com/library/html/mailpage.html
>> -----
>> [Page 2]
>> [Emailer 1]
>> [websend.r 1]
>> [20-May-1999 1]
>> [Fetch 1]
>> [a 1]
>> [and 1]
>> [it 1]
>> [as 1]
>> [email. 1]
>> [email 1]
>> [http://www.rebol.com</font> 1]
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