Newby question...

Can anyone tell me what is going on here? The following output is produced by
the script below

two three
six seven

Why do "two" and "three" appear as one string (same with "six" and "seven")
and not split up at the space between them like everything else is - obviously
the () have something to do with this - but I can't find an explanation
anywhere. Also, what mods would I need to make to force it to split these
particular strings at the whitespace?


blk: []

brkt-chars: charset ["()"]
brkt: [some brkt-chars]

word-chars: charset [#"a" - #"z" #"A" - #"Z" #"0" - #"9"]
word: [some word-chars]

word-def: [word]
brkt-def: [brkt]

get-word: [copy value word-def (insert tail blk trim value)]
get-brkt: [copy value brkt-def (insert tail blk trim value)]

rule-block: [get-word | get-brkt | skip]

str: "one (two three) four (five (six seven) eight)"

parse str [some rule-block]
foreach item blk [print item]

Thanks in anticipation (I've only been playing with REBOL for about a week so
forgive my ignorance if this should really be obvious).


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