Hi Paul

One of the major changes with build 10.28 and 10.29 is in the syntax for
stylize.  See the original announcement for View prebeta5 on the rebol.org
ally list.  Briefly, stylize now requires a syntax similar to that for
layout (details not yet published).  For a temporary fix, just change
stylize to styliz (no "e").  Your program should work.

To do it right the stylize arg block should be changed to:

form-styles: stylize [
    txt12: text  font [color: black shadow: none]
    txt16: txt12 font [size: 16]
    name:  txt12 100x24 font [align: 'right]
    namv:  txt12 with [size: none]
    inp:   field 240x24

Then it will work.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2000 1:19 PM
Subject: [REBOL] Fixes View: 0.10.29 Re:

> I just ran a few scripts checking the latest Sept 3 posting.  Looks
> something may have happened.  I tried to run the entry-form.r script
> (inserted below).  It gives me an error.  Use to work with previous /View.
> Paul Tretter
> REBOL [ ]
> form-styles: stylize [
>     txt12 text  [font: [color: black shadow: none]]
>     txt16 txt12 [font: [size: 16]]
>     name  txt12 [size: 100x24 font: [align: 'right]]
>     namv  txt12 [size: none]
>     inp   field [size: 240x24]
> ]
> address-form: layout [
>     styles form-styles
>     backdrop 200.190.170
>     txt16 bold "Address Book Entry"
>     box  460x4 168.168.168 across
>     name "First Name:"     fn: inp 80x24
>     namv "Last Name:"      ln: inp 165x24 return
>     name "Street Address:" sa: inp 330x24 return
>     name "City:"           ci: inp 100x24
>     namv "State:"          st: inp 60x24
>     namv "Zip:"           zip: inp 79x24  return
>     box  460x4 168.168.168 return
>     name "Home Phone:"     hp: inp return
>     name "Work Phone:"     wp: inp return
>     name "Email Address:"  ea: inp return
>     name "Web Site:"       ws: inp return
>     box  460x4 168.168.168 return
>     indent 110
>     button "Enter" [save-data]
>     button "Cancel" [quit]
> ]
> save-data: does [
>     data: reduce [
>         fn/text ln/text sa/text ci/text st/text zip/text
>         hp/text wp/text ea/text ws/text
>     ]
>     print data
> ]
> view address-form
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 6:23 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] Fixes View: 0.10.29
> Hmmm. Seems like a lot broke recently in REBOL/View experimental.  Just
> posted a newer one that works better... more reliable for http, email,
> graphics, etc.  Give it a try.
> Looks like I'm spending too much time this weekend writing tests and fix'n
> bugs.  And I wanted to work on REBOL/Express!
> -Carl

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