In writing the online order forms, we had to construct a very tedious
spreadsheet postal rates. Unfortunately, international mail does not follow
any discernable pattern, it is all over the place. You can generalize for
regions--such as Europe, Asia, etc.--but not even very accurately then. It
is a true headache<g>... As to UPS or RPS shipments, yes it would be easier
to do a script which calculates the charge based on weight and destination.
I'm working on one myself and plan on including it in my next book on REBOL.


>Hello Rebols;
>  How do you calculate shipping costs?  Is it a REBOL script based
>on weight
>and destination or is it a one-size fits all?
>  At this point I would pay for a working REBOL script that could calculate
>shipping costs based on weight and destination.
>>Order form is live and on line now. We are pleased to serve you.
>>--Ralph Roberts
>Yours Truly
>Gordon Raboud

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