I want to constrain the input values for a string field to be either the words 
"cancel" or "nocancel".

REBOL has excellent support for forcing a function argument to be date!, time!, 
string!, but I want to increase the restrictions for a particular field and have it 
throw an error on spurious input.

Must I homebrew something or did I overlook the built-in support for this?


; run this in your
; <a href=http://www.rebol.com>REBOL</a> Interpreter!
terrence-brannon: [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] perl-refugee myth-gamer ]
perl-refugee: [ 'loved href perl discovery: (metaperl = rebol) 'hates href perl ]
myth-gamer: http://www.bungie.net/bin/stats.pl?player=princepawn

; angles makes this a href instead of code! use ur imagination!
href: func [U T] [ rejoin [ "a href=" U ">" T "/a" ] ]
perl: href http://www.perl.com "Perl"

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