I was glancing at one of the most popular scripts at the REBOL archive and developed 
some questions:

1- Is it possible to incrementally write to a file in REBOL?
2- Is it possible to append to a file in REBOL
3- This script seems in-efficient and memory wasteful: it reads and entire file into a 
temporary array and then converts the array. In Perl, I could do each conversion as I 
read in each line and write each line out after each conversion.

    Title:   "Comma-Seperated-Values to REBOL converter"
    Date:    16-Jun-1999
    Author:  "Bohdan Lechnowsky"
    Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    File:    %convert-csv.r
    Purpose: {
        Convert CSV files to REBOL blocks
    Category: [file util db text 2]

csv: read/lines to-file ask "Filename to convert from CSV: " 

block: make block! 100

headings: parse/all first csv "," 

foreach line next csv [append block parse/all line ","] 

save to-file ask "Filename to save to: " head insert/only block headings

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