Okay -  last one,

m: error? try [ write ftp://chuck:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/crossing/ndtd/user.r
"hi there" ]

Does that help?

cheers, john

I am writing a script that will try 3 times to write a file and then fail,
however, I cant place a try block around the REBOL write statement because
it does not return anything upon success, thus I get an error that the word
is not bound:

>> m: try [ write ftp://chuck:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/crossing/ndtd/user.r "hi
there" ]
connecting to:
** User Error: Server error: tcp 530 Login incorrect..
** Where: write ftp://chuck:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/crossing/ndtd/user.r "hi
; -- great: when write fails 'm is bound
>> m: try [ write ftp://chuck:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/crossing/ndtd/user.r
"hi there" ]
connecting to:
** Script Error: m needs a value.
** Where: m: try [write
ftp://chuck:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/crossing/ndtd/user.r "hi there"]
; --- well this sucks. I cant get a return value upon success

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