Hi Paul,

Assume two REBOL processes (i.e. you launch REBOL twice on the same
machine, or on two different machines connected by TCP/IP. I assume same
machine here and use local host setting, 127.0.01 for the client.)

REBOL process 1: will be indicated by prompt 1>>
REBOL process 2: will be indicated by prompt 2>>

Simple Session:

1>> server: open/lines tcp://:8000

2>> client: open/lines tcp://
2>> insert client "Hi, there."
2>> close client

1>> port: first server
1>> print first port
Hi, there.

BETTER use copy to prevent data loss on server side:

1>> port: first server
1>> print copy port
Hi, there.

Complex (Bi-directional) Session:

1>> server: open tcp://:8000
1>> input-buffer: make string! 1024
1>> while [true] [
1>>   server-port: first server
1>>   while [true] [
1>>     wait server-port
1>>     read-io server-port input-buffer 1024
1>>     break
1>>   ]
1>>   print input-buffer                                 
1>>   insert server-port join input-buffer [" from server."]  
1>>   clear input-buffer
1>>   close server-port
1>> ]

2>> message:" Client here. "
2>> client: open tcp://
2>> insert client message
2>> print copy client
2>> close client

Note that once you have sent something on a client port, you must close the
client port and open it again, before you can send more stuff out that port.

At 05:27 PM 9/7/00 -0500, you wrote:
>Can someone provide an example of sending something to a port and how to
>know if you are getting a response.
>Paul Tretter

;- Elan [ : - ) ]
    REBOL Press: The Official Source for REBOL Books
    visit me at http://www.TechScribe.com

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