Very enlightening, but why the local word 'url-value since I can't see
it used except for the assignment:

url-value: url

Can you explain? (Allen?)

> So that you don't have to construct that all the time, you could do use
> the
> following code..

> ;---------------
> config: make object! [pass: "password" user: "username"]

> authenticate: func [
>     {Returns a filled scheme block complete with password}
>     url [url!] {The url to parse}
>     /local url-value url-obj
> ][
>     url-obj: make net-utils/url-parser []
>     set url-obj/vars none
>     url-value: url

>     parse/all url url-obj/url-rules
>     ;---Return Url data set
>     compose [
>         scheme: (to-lit-word url-obj/scheme)
>         user: (config/user)
>         pass: (config/pass)
>         host: (url-obj/host)
>         path: (url-obj/path)
>         target: (url-obj/target)
>     ]
> ]

> ;e.g usage
> ; read authenticate
> ; read authenticate

> ;------------------

> Cheers,

> Allen K


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