> I want to print a path (ie, what the path is) and then the value of that
path... how can I do so?

>> Example: [
[    system [
[        schemes [
[            ftp [
[                passive "Passive ftp"
[                proxy [
[                    host "proxy host"
[                    port-id "proxy port-id"
[                    type "proxy type"
[                    ]
[                ]
[            ]
[        ]
[    ]
== [
    system [
        schemes [
            ftp [
                passive "Passive ftp"
                proxy [
>> Paths: [
[    Example/system/schemes/ftp/passive
[    ]
== [
>> foreach Path Paths [print [:Path ":::" Path]]
Example/system/schemes/ftp/passive ::: Passive ftp

I hope that helps!

Andrew Martin
On the path to recovery...
ICQ: 26227169

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