Hi, Jennifer, you wrote:
> Tell me more (off list is probably best) about Rebol.

This is quoted from Rebol - The Official Guide ISBN 0-07-212279-X, Page 4:
Rebol is a deceptively simple, user-friendly, effective and tremendously
powerful interactive scripting and programming language. It enables the
occasional scripter or professional programmer to rapidly create
Internet-oriented CGI scripts or small utilities with a minimum of overhead
and without being weighed down by formalisms or cryptic notations. ... Due
to its English-like vocabulary, Rebol is very well suited as a first
programming language for novices. Rebol is a very powerful tool that can be
learned quickly.
    Seasoned programmers will find that Rebol also provides a collection of
useful advanced language features, such as a built-in BNF parser (BNF stands
for Backus-Naur Form, a notation used to express certain types of language
grammars), objects, and port access, that permit implementation of complex
and sophisticated programs. Self-documenting functions, optional type
enforcement in function interfaces, flexible and refined support for
high-level data structures (including lists, hashes, objects and contexts)
and Rebol's capability to support "small languages" or dialects provide the
foundation for sophisticated applications.

Here's how to send an email in Rebol:
        send [EMAIL PROTECTED] "Hello friend"
    Here's how to save data to a file:
        save %friend.dat "Hello friend"
    Here's how to read a web page:
        read http://www.rebol.com

I hope that helps! If not, just let me know.

Andrew Martin
ICQ: 26227169

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