> I would LOVE to be able to install a "plain" Linux on my 
> Dell Latitude 433MC 486/33 laptop, but I only have a 
> floppy drive. I've looked for linux distributions which I can 
> install from floppy, but it seems I can only find CD-ROMs.
> More than Linux, I'd like to put a BSD on the laptop, but 
> again I can only find CD-ROMs.

If installing over the net is acceptable to you. FreeBSD could be an
alternative. Also some linux distributions are installable over the
net.  You just download a few diskimages for boot and rest is loaded
over the net.


Jussi Hagman                                CS in Åbo Akademi University
Studentbyn 4 D 33                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
20540 Åbo                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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