
Has anyone made experiences with using REBOL/View in a firewalled
I am in a LAN that blocks nearly all services.
We have Squid-Proxies for HTTP and FTP.
We have an internal POP3  and SMTP server.

If I configure REBOL/View to use our HTTP/FTP Proxy as a
'generic - type Proxy I can fetch HTML pages.
But If I click on the "REBOL.com" Icon REBOL/View hangs a while
with an empty progress-bar then the window is flashing and I'm
on the start screen as before (but the "R" image that shows that REBOL is 
loading something resists on the down right edge)

Is there an option I have to set?

I've used REBOL/View successfully with a direct internet connection!

Yours sincerely.
Jochen Schmidt

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