Am Sam, 23 Sep 2000 schrieben Sie:
> For application proliferation purposes, not requiring a server would help
> out alot.

Yes this is why I would prefer such a solution. I think I do not relly like 
the centralisitc approach.

I also dislike conservative client/server paradigms.
I would prefer a mobile-agent based solution.
I had this idea some time ago:

If I want something done, I sit down on my (dialup) computer.
I'm offline and open my personal-agent communication program.
My personal agent appears and I describe him the task he has to do.
I go online and my agent transfers its corpus over the line to one of the
24h online agent runtime environments. Now I can go offline, while my agent
e. g. watches the stocks (and warning me by SMS if something interesting 

Perhaps a similar agent-based approach will be interesting for the
collaborative environment.
The whole collaborative environment coult consist of temporary
and permanent online agents that communicate to each other.

So one permanent Agent could serve the Environment by providing
access to some storageplaces of its own.

A temporary Agent  could transfer a new file into the Virtual Space.

Whats your opinion on this?


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