Hi Andrew,

Aha. Got it. What you are observing is not specific to objects. It is the
result of how REBOL evaluates words and paths.

Let me simplify your example so that we can more easily focus on the
essential difference.

>> base: make object! [ p: "'p in 'base." ]
>> derived: make object! [ p: 'base/p ]

1. Word evaluation:
a) word references a path that evaluates to a string.
>> p: 'base/p
== base/p
>> :p
== base/p
>> p
== "'p in 'base."

b) word references a path that evaluates to a path:
>> r: 'derived/p
== derived/p
>> :r
== derived/p
>> r
== base/p

In both cases when REBOL evaluates a word and the word evaluates to a path,
then REBOL returns the value that is referenced by the path. It stops
dereferencing values at the second level as demonstrate by r. The evaluator
return base/p and did not continue to dereference the path base/p.

Compare to:

2. Path evaluation:
>> derived/p
== base/p

Re: 1. (a and b) When REBOL evaluates a word, and the returned value is a
path, then REBOL returns the value referred to by that path. 
Re: 2. When REBOL evaluates a path, then it returns the value that path is
associated with. Unlike case 1., the path returned by evaluating the
top-level path is not dereferenced.

3. In both cases 1. and 2. if the returned value is a function, then that
function is evaluated and the value resulting from evaluating the function
is returned.

So what you are dealing with here is an exception that REBOL evaluator
makes for words, when those words evaluate to paths. 

You can say that with respect to this behavior the REBOL evaluator works
something like this:

evaluate: func [something [any-type!]] [
  if value? 'something [
    either all [
                 word? get 'something 
                 path? get get 'something
        return get get 'something
        return get 'something
  return print "unset"

>> evaluate p
== "'p in 'base."
>> evaluate derived/p
== base/p

Note that this really has nothing to do with objects. You can do the same
thing with blocks:

>> block: [ p "'p in 'block" ]
== [p "'p in 'block"]

>> block/p
== "'p in 'block"

Word is assigned a path:
>> p: 'block/p
== block/p

When the REBOL evaluator discovers that the word p is referencing a path,
then the path is dereferenced as well:

>> p
== "'p in 'block"

But when REBOL is evaluating a path (this time associated with a block)
then unlike when evaluating a word, the evaluation is not repeated for the
referenced path:

>> derived: [ p block/p ]
== [p block/p]
>> derived/p
== block/p

In short, REBOL is consistent with respect to the distinction it makes
between evaluating words and evaluating paths. The way REBOL treats path is
not specific to objects.

Hope this helps,

;- Elan [ : - ) ]
    REBOL Press: The Official Source for REBOL Books
    visit me at http://www.TechScribe.com

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