Thanks, Larry!  You're absolutely right...

I ran into this a while back in the context of the following kind of

    something: [print x]
    foreach x some-block [do something]

but the knowledge hasn't made it from my memory to my typing fingers! ;-)


> Hi Joel
> Just a small clarification. You wrote:
>     >> searchname: func [who [string!] /local k v] [
>     [    foreach [k v] foo [
>     [        if v/name = who [return v]
>     [        ]
>     [    ]
> Actually the declaration of k and v as local vars to the searchname function
> is unnecessary as in your example they are never used.  The foreach function
> binds the words in it's first arg (also k and v in your example) as local to
> it's own context. The outer k and v are unused. Here is a short example:
> >> f: func [/local k][
> [    k: 1
> [    foreach [k]["a" "b"][print k]
> [    print k
> [    ]
> >> f
> a
> b
> 1
> >>
> Cheers
> -Larry

; Joel Neely  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  901-263-4460  38017/HKA/9677
REBOL []  print to-string debase decompress #{

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