The new manual looks *really* good from what I've seen so far. I checked out
some of the diagrams you mentioned. They should make understanding series
much easier for new Rebols. Anyway, just wanted to take the time to say
thank you and give you a pat on the back. Good job!

I'm now going through the Parsing section... :)


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, October 02, 2000 9:40 PM
> Subject: [REBOL] New REBOL/Core Manual
> The new REBOL/Core 2.3 Manual is now available from
> This is a substantially rewritten version of the
> manual -- it adds new chapters, new examples, and even a few
> diagrams to make the concepts of series more clear.
> This manual was a major job to write. It is well over 600 pages
> and the PDF is 4.5MB. I'd like to thank Scott Allen for his
> heroic effort in converting, editing, and formatting my files.
> Also, thanks also go to Erin, Barbara, Cindy, Danny, Dan, Dave,
> Jennifer, Jessica, Mitch, and Andrew for their input and
> proofreading help.
> This new manual is really just a starting point.  There are
> several topics that I wanted to cover in more detail, but ran out
> of time.  If you notice something missing, please let me know so
> they can included in the next revision.
> The HTML version of this manual will be coming soon.  As it turns
> out, it's not as easy as you would think to convert Framemaker
> files to HTML.  Watch the web site.
> Enjoy your reading,
> -Carl

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