Hi, Ladislav,

I haven't finished thinking through all of your comments, but one issue
jumped out at me so forcefully that I thought I'd go ahead and comment
on it...

> Scope of Variables
> page 8-30 REBOL/Core User Guide Version 2.3
> [Quote]
> For example, here is a signed if function that evaluates one of three blocks
> based on
> the sign of a conditional value:
> ifs: func [
>     "If positive do block 1, zero do block 2, minus do 3"
>     condition block1 block2 block3
> ][
>     if positive? condition [return do block1]
>     if negative? condition [return do block3]
>     return do block2
> ]
> print ifs 12:00 - now/time ["morning"]["noon"]["night"]
> night
> [End Quote]
> The above definition doesn't work correctly, because it doesn't have the
> Throw attribute.
> [Corrected version]
> ifs: func [
>     "If positive do block 1, zero do block 2, minus do 3"
>     [throw]
>     condition block1 block2 block3
> ][
>     either positive? condition [do block1] [
>         either negative? condition [do block3] [do block2]
>     ]
> ]
> print ifs 12:00 - now/time ["morning"]["noon"]["night"]
> morning
> [End Corrected Version]

It's also incorrect because it assumes that successive uses of the argument
called    condition    will produce identical values!  Consider this:

    >> a: 1
    == 1
    >> b: to-paren [a: 0 - a]
    == (a: 0 - a)
    >> ifs b ["positive"] ["negative"] ["zero"]
    == "zero"

(simply demonstrating, once again, the severe subtlety of REBOL!)


; Joel Neely  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  901-263-4460  38017/HKA/9677
REBOL []  print to-string debase decompress #{

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