Could we have a tutorial on how to unsubscribe?

I am getting multiple users confused that are unable to unsubscribe by

A couple of cases I processed today:
Subject: Please unsubscribe me from all of this I’ve tried and I can’t
"Please remove me from everything
Thank you 🙏"

"(...) I went to the link as provided for my unsubscription but was found
that no such email existed with an account. Yet I receive multiple such
emails. (...)"

And they aren't the first ones, either. The list does contain a link "
(this is the best url that seem to be available in the postorious
interface), but the users seem to be misled by the fact that they have to
*create* an account so they can see their subscriptions (for which they
signed up in mailman2) and then finally unsubscribe.
The interface does say "If you have not previously logged in, you may need
to set up an account with the appropriate email address.", but that's
apparently not enough (and admittedly, is not intuitive). Users unable to
unsubscribe is as old as mailing lists, but the interesting point is that
they apparently try yet fail.

So perhaps we should make some content explicitely addressing how to
unsubscribe in mailman3, which could then be placed on for benefit of all lits.

Listadmins mailing list --
To unsubscribe send an email to

To request technical changes for a specific list, please instead create a task 
in Phabricator. See

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