Hello! I am an admin of the
mailing list. Starting some months ago, we get spam more or less on a daily
basis. We have all messages automatically held for approval, so our readers
aren't seeing the spam, rather myself and the other admin are burdened with
logging in and rejecting the emails every day.

Is there any advice on how to prevent this from happening? I am aware some
lists have moved to Google Groups. Would that help, you think? If so, how
might I go about migrating my mailing list to it? We have long banned the
email addresses, but it seems rarely we get spam from the same email twice,
so this tactic has not been very effective.

Thanks for any help you can provide,

~ MusikAnimal
Listadmins mailing list -- listadmins@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to listadmins-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

To request technical changes for a specific list, please instead create a task 
in Phabricator. See https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists

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