Roberto Scano - IWA/HWG wrote:

Yes and one of the error is that there was no involvement of web
accessibility experts.

With all due Dan already mentioned, that's not really true now, is it? Or do you mean "nobody from WAI was involved"?

And for the promotion about how to buy accessible services, there is WAI
Education and Outreach work for this.

As good as EOWG's work has been...I don't recall a high profile push to disseminate information to businesses along the same lines as the highly publicised launch of PAS 78. And would any of EOWG's outputs be able to play the same role as PAS 78 in a UK based legal dispute?

We are moving in WCAG 2.0 world (i hate to cite
myself, but i suggest to read this article [2]) where the HTML document is
not the only interest in the www: we talk about delivery units, web content,
web user interfaces...
The web is ahead of PAS, standards are ahead PAS.

PAS 78 is useful here and now. Considering that 7 years after WCAG 1.0 came out the majority of the web is still badly inaccessible somewhat dilutes your claim of the web being ahead of the PAS...

And, unless I'm mistaken, the PAS can and will be reviewed to adapt to common practices and new standards as and when they become widely established (in a process that may be just a bit speedier than an update to WCAG).

Sorry if I misinterpret the tone of your responses, Roberto, but at first reading this sounds very much like "If it doesn't come from WAI, it has no value".

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
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