On 5/4/06 9:36 AM, "Richard Czeiger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Micky,
> I'm not sure about the whole Unordered List approach ....
> BUT! You do raise a point and it made me think of my old Structuralism
> english lit classes at uni...
> They reckoned that you could only have multiple signifiers (descriptors for
> a concept) but only one signified (the concept itself) ...
> A rough example might be: "dog", "chien", "bow wow", image of a dog, etc...
> which are all signifiers for the one signified - the actual dog itself.
> Effectively, in a coding sense, this would mean only one <dt> and many <dd>s
> <dt>Dog</dt>
> <dd><q lang="en">Dog</q></dd>
> <dd><q lang="fr">Chien</q></dd>
> <dd><object src="bowWow.mp3" /></dd>
> <dd><img src="dog.jpg width="100" height="100" alt="Image of my puppy"
> /></dd>
> This would be how a Sturcturalist would put it together and these guys
> invented semantics.
> In terms of the book or product image, I'd lean towards the above example.
> The image itself isn't a signified but rather a signifier so it would be a
> <dd>.
> Similarly the ISBN is not a representation of the conept itself but rather a
> way of describing it, so it too would go in a <dd>.
> ...
> Did I just over-geek the whole scenario?
> R  :o)

I think that was about the best logical breakdown of the problem and
solution I've seen. No gut feelings, no personal preferences or coding
biases, just plain ole problem-solving logic. You even made me change my own
personal view on the topic!

Kevin Futter
Webmaster, St. Bernard's College

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