On 06/04/12 01:55 (GMT-0400) Christian Montoya apparently typed:

> Liquid Designs reached 100 entries yesterday and I figured the best
> way to celebrate would be to let everyone decide the best design out
> of those 100. I had a team of 4 guest reviewers pick their favorites
> and they came up with 7 finalists. Please take a moment to vote for
> your favorite one. Voting will continue until midnight Saturday (EST).

> http://cssliquid.com/2006/news/100-gallery-entries-now-vote-for-the-best/

For any who might care, I've captured all those sites with 1280 wide
resolution screenshots, with and without minimum font size set equal to
my 20px default. Each of them links to each of the other 6 contextual
setup pages and to all 14 screenshots.
http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/auth/Sites/sc-cssliquid-cheea.html will get you

All except Watchmaker nicely tolerate the 20px minimum.

What all except Jason show is the dominant text size on each is
considerably smaller than Firefox's menu text. Firefox's menu text size
here is 10pt, the same size KDE defaults to for all QT app and desktop
menus, so the only thing "special" about it is that it's larger than the
8pt M$ default most web designers live most intimately with.

Since _everything_ I've found with a claimed scientific basis either
recommends an absolute minimum of 10pt, or finds that more ordinary web
users prefer the most common OEM browser default of 12pt over other
sizes, this means that among the finalists style trumps user
preferences, and accessibility for sighted users is something less than

My question is why is this so? Why is it that style cannot permit users
by default text they are comfortable reading? Why is this a so nearly
universal modern web standard? I'll provide bad answer #1: because space
above the fold is precious.

Please don't sidetrack on the issue of impropriety of pt for CSS text
sizing. CSS text sizes need not be specified in pt for users to get the
12pt or any other size they prefer.
"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but
rather expose them."                    Ephesians 5:11 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/auth/auth
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 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
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