Outstanding! :)
Thanks a lot! Can I trouble you for an explanation on how to get the menu to compress as well? You don't have to set up the code, but I would be gratefull for a push in the right direction.


On 4/27/06, Gunlaug Sørtun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
morten fjellman wrote:
> Thank you, but there seems to be more to it than that. I've put
> width:220px; on #sidebar and margin-right:220px; on #content, but the
>  design breaks badly. I think I need to set some % or em units on the
>  header and menu, but I don't quite understand how to. The header has
>  a middle gif that repeats on the X-axis. There is also a left and
> right gif to give the rounded corner effect. Each button has two
> gifs. One that repeats from the left to the right, and on that make
> up the seperator. How should I set the units for these two elements?

I came in late on this - after all the <irony /> had ended :-)

Here's a serious, and working, solution - the Norwegian way:

First: there's no need to "convert" between units. The browsers can
handle it just fine without /any/ given width-values.


1: add...

#container {clear: both;}

...to prevent any breaking in the header/menu part from messing up the
columns below.

2: don't float the middle-section, and let it default to 'width: auto'.
Add a padding and adjust height for it, to prevent 'margin-collapsing'.

#headerMiddle {
        padding-top: 1px;

3: change float-direction and reposition the right corner...

#headerRight {
        float:right /* use this value */;
        margin-top: -170px /* use this value */;


I can think of a few ways to improve on this, but the above will work
just fine. Some fine-tuning is needed near the footer though.

I only tested in various Opera and Firefox versions.

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