Hi Steve
Thanks for the screenshots.
I'm afraid I just didn't have enough time to finish tweaking for Opera and
IE7. There are also some print.css issues to fix in the next two weeks.  I
appreciate the screen shots. That damn z-index issue is going to kill me
sooner or later.



On Tue, 2 May 2006 03:16 am, Ted Drake wrote:
> So, take some time to look at the site: http://tech.yahoo.com . I know
> there are still some validation errors, especially with the content that's
> beyond our control. But there are other goodies inside, especially for
> accessibility and I'd be happy to answer any questions or give advice.

Hi Ted,

I like the idea and content - the site even looks pretty good, but there are
few issues in Firefox and Opera when using Linux. I have some screen


The drop down menu of sections is not available in Firefox because it gets 
hidden by the large Flash movie just below it.The whole design seems to be 
falling to pieces in Opera.


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