Derek Featherstone wrote:
On 5/9/06, Jan Brasna wrote:

early builds of Safari on Jaguar might have exhibited a failure to execute onclick with the keyboard.
I remember something similar, be it an old Safari or some wacky Netscape, don't really know. I'd say it's not an active issue anymore.

Jan - agreed, wholeheartedly. However, if we can pinpoint user agent
compliance and/or non-compliance, we can make a much better case for
ignoring some of the outdated guidelines.

Using Safari with user-agent string:

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/312.b(KHTML, like Gecko)Safari/312.6

No event is triggered by tabbing to a link with the onkeypress paired with an onclick event handler in Al's test page. Behavior consistent with that expected of an onblur event occurs. For example in Al's test page when 'test this link' loses focus, the content is revealed /not/, as should be the case, when a key is pressed with the link having focus.

[Mac OSX 10.2.9 / Safari 1.3.2(v312.6)]


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