Cole Kuryakin wrote:

I’m getting a number of errors from the W3C CSS validator that just aren’t there.
Here’s what I get:[...trimmed.........]

The w3c validation service started being over zealous about color and background-color(among other things) several months ago. There were numerous informative, and well written, replies to questions /exactly/ like yours on the css-d list; and, I am sure, on this list as well, although I was not on this list at that time.

One of the stipulations of this particular project from my client is that “the CSS MUST validate..and I’m going to check it myself to make sure it does.”

I really see no problem with that, nor do I think you should. Armed with copies of some of the replies I mentioned, you might then ask him reset the background-color on each browser he's trying to hit to something outlandish-- perhaps lime or fuchsia. Viewing his site on the browsers in this way, may convince him that it is, in fact, a yet to be corrected validation service issue.

Cole Kuryakin



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