No worries Mike, keep at it, if it's a good solution for you, then it's a good solution =8-)
Personally I use captcha validated forms to send email internally.
At least filtering on user agent is another level, and you might end up expanding on that.

Bots will just make http requests and parse the output looking for anything matching an email address.
One human can then scout discussions like this and websites looking for new implementations and usually just chuck in a new regular _expression_; matching [at] or <span>[at]</span> is not a big stretch.


On 09/06/06, Mike at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    "[...] Why do you think it's safe to assume that bad bots won't send
User-Agent headers claiming to be IE, Firefox or any other browser they
like?  Even if some bots do send different UA strings, this script relies on
a false assumption and, thus, provides a false sense of security. [...]"


Hello Lachan,

I'm not assuming anything (I try not to do that). I do know that 'bots can
mask themselves, this has been on my mind. But I don't know how often this
is done or what the risk levels are. It's not like I'm "distributing" this
or billing it as a fool-proof method. It is an experiment; a test. I'm
trying to make something useful. And I do have a disclaimer. That entire
site,, is just for experiments. A sandbox if you will.

It is for this reason I have posted here with the WSG: to test it in the
field and to get feedback. To discover the problems and possible loopholes.
I have that email address on one place on the web and that's on that page,
so that is part of the test as well. My mailbox is waiting to see what

The sad part is, even if it can be made fully capable of its assigned task
and become a popular and accessible solution, new spam-bot builds would
probably have a work-around built into their new versions within months.
Unfortunately, if people are allowed to communicate with us or post to our
sites, we can only hope to slow down or stay just slightly ahead to the bad

Thanks for your feedback.

Mike Cherim

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