Mike at Green-Beast.com wrote:
> The level of viablity is what I'm after at this point. Do all spam-bots
> disguise themselves as common UAs?

One fellow doing a fair bit of research in this area is incredibill - http://incredibill.blogspot.com/ (umm, language warning...)
He might have information on this.

> Common or the exception to the rule? Does
> anyone have a handle on numbers or some percentages? Finding good
> information was difficult. I'm far from any type of guru, just a regular guy
> who's sick of spam/spammers in general. Search terms where enough of a
> challenge. :-)

For a single point of data, I have one site where I have posted two contact email addresses on each page - one as a simple click mailto: link - *but* I changed the '@' to a '@'. The other is part of a paypal donation form and the address is in plain text. I have never had any spam to the encoded address, but quite a bit of spam to the paypal address, and its all been up there for 5 years or more!
So, the redeeming feature of your script might be your use of the @ :)

Lea de Groot
Brisbane, Australia

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