
I have conducted a research on roughly a million web pages,
looking for answers to questions like:

* How many pages make use of CSS / JavaScript / ... ?
* How are the main web-technologies used?
  (which html elements, which CSS properties, ...)
* How correct is the code that is used?
  (Valid HTML? Valid CSS2? application/xhtml+xml for XHTML?)

The whole 120-page document about this research is only available
in estonian, but I have put together a shorter version in english,
which mostly consentrates on the results (but is still quite long


As Google did it's Web Authoring Statistics at the beginning
of the year, I don't have much to say about HTML elements and
attributes. And as my JavaScript analyzing program just refused
to work, I don't have much to say about JavaScript either. But
this means the major part of the research deals with CSS -
properties, units, selectors, validation, etc.

Hope you like it,

(any comments are welcome)

Rene Saarsoo

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