On Wednesday 12 July 2006 16:19, tee g.peng wrote:
> Hi, I was working on a site that client wants me to put a link at the
> footer that the site passes XHTML, CSS and accessibility validation.

> Question is, what should I put? WCAG? It's a non-US site so I thought
> section 508 isn't appropriate. Client is hoping I can use something
> more global approach because it's a site that targets on
> international audiences.
> tee


I think your client may have seen the W3C WAI Logos on pages - A, AA, AAA 
level accessibilities conformance.

Full details online at:


The most common way to start this testing is at:


The page must be "live" on the web to use this site. Note the drop down list 
allows you to specify the conformance level you are testing too.

You can also use the Web Developer toolbar extension in Firefox to make the 
automated phase of your testing easier. You will always have to do manual 
testing to check for conformance.


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