On 7/18/06, Dean Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As for those concerned about the single page issue, I see that as a
printed page paradigm. I see little cost/benefit to "turning pages"
and all the additional work (and expense) of carrying post arguments
backwards and forwards throughout all the case-switch cgi, vs.
scrolling up or down ...for the purpose of *this* form. If the
purpose of the form was merchandising, I would agree with the added
cost of the step by step "keep their short attention span occupied -
don't lose the sale" multi page approach. But that's not a printed
page paradigm, it's a "talk in short simple sentences" paradigm.

Hi Dean,
There's a difference between multi-page forms on paper and on the Web,
and that is that I've never had a paper form lose my data. We've all
had the experience of filling out a Web form and having the data get
lost for some reason. For instance, suppose I fill out a support
ticket at my ISP and it takes me 30 minutes to type up a description
of the problem, when I click submit I get the message, "Your session
has expired. Please log in again" and my lengthy problem description
is lost. This has happened enough times to me (at my ISP and plenty of
other places) that now, when presented with a lengthy form online, I
type the bulk of my text into a text editor, paste it into the form
and then hit submit so that my effort isn't lost if the form
submission goes awry.

This is a case where the badly-designed sites I've run across have
affected my perception of *all* sites that use forms. Regardless of
how well you've coded *your* form/site, I still approach it with the
expectation that there's a decent chance that the data I enter will be
lost. Your form (which is deliberately demanding, as you pointed out)
represents a very significant data entry effort which means it is a
lot to lose. Dividing the form into chunks would give users
reassurance when they hit "Next" of "so far, so good" and that the
server still remembers them and is willing to save their data.

That's just my $.02 but it is guaranteed to be worth no less. ;)


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