
on Monday, July 24, 2006 at 13:48 wrote:

> My understanding is that you must declaire a width for floated block level
> elements (i.e. div, p, ul etc.) But is this the same for inline elements?
> Specificaly, I want to float an input feild and its associated lable, but I
> DONT want to give a width (to allow for the form to be liquid). For 
> example...

Following the css 2.0 spec you're right, but version 2.1 of the specs
doesn't require the width anymore.

I don't understand why you want to float inline elements. IMHO float
is only needed for block-level elements. The inline elements will
line up each aside the other anyway. But maybe you declared display:
block at another selector of your stylesheet...

To resume: You can use that. No problem!




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