Hi, I am driving myself crazy with a simple navigation menu - it has to be pixel perfect on Safari and FF and I can't make it happens. I add few pixels to the margin or padding top, it works on one of the browse, but not both.

The tabs are wrapped in the header, floated left column .

The markup looks like this :

<div id="header">
        <div id="leftcolumn><img src="logo.jpg">
<ul><li>some stuff goes here</li></ul>

        <div id="rightcolumn">
                <form>search form</form>

        <ul><li>list with inline display</li></ul>
        <div id="tabs><ul>
                        <li>this is where it's driving me crazy</li>
                        <li>I am pulling my hair off</li>
                        <li>HELP PLEAS</li>

                <div><!-- #end header-->

the url
CSS file, the #tabs starts from line #234.

browsercam screen shot

Right now Safari displays pixel perfect, Opera is 1px short, the main browser I am concern is Firefox which creates at least 3 pixels different then Safari. As for IE, I can use conditional comments. I need the tabs touches the bottom of the header background image and they appear the same in both Safari and Firefox.

Thanks in advance!


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