I'm working on improving a real mess of a page (rediculous amounts of scripting and css and ugly markup), i've been trying to get it working in IE7 and i've encountered problems with my popup menus.

In IE6 they are activated using javascript which works fine, for IE7 things are a bit odd, if I leave the suckerfish menu javascript code in, the menus appear, if I delete the code the menus don't appear. If I disable javascript using the dev toolbar the menus appear...

I can only assume this is due to the massive mess of javascript or a browser bug. But *this* isn't the problem that i'm too worried about. The problem is that regardless of how I get the menus to display in IE7, if I click anywhere on the page prior to activating the hover, the menu doesn't disappear again when I move the mouse away.

The menus also don't work in Opera, but i've read about a bug with how Opera handles absolute positioning inside relative positioning.

I'm hesitant to give a link to the page publically, but if anyone thinks they can help out i'll email a link.


- Andrew Ingram

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