<quote who="marvin hunkin">
> Hi.
> developing a disability links information site.
> got my main country page, say Australia.
> got my disability pages in a folder called MarvinsWebsite, and now the
> main
> pages for the main page, are just under the root directory.
> i created a folder called MarvinsWebfiles, and put two other folders
> called
> Images and WebPages.
> now there is a link to link back to the main page.
> when i move the main files from the root to the two folder, when i try to
> link back to the main page, says it cannot find it, but when i put them
> back
> to the root folder, it works.

So it sounds like the link href path you are trying is wrong.

> now how do i fix this, and the code i have is:
> <p> <a href="../../Index.html"title="Marvins Web Portal Page"
> target="content" accesskey="W">Return To Marvins Web Portal Page</a> </p>
> as a sample.
> cannot upload my site, as my college will not allow ftp uploading.
> and cannot install java and the java acess bridge to use the bravehost
> upload file utility.
> now, how do i fix this problem?
> let me know asap.
> cheers Marvin.

Thats the trouble with dotdots, move some files around and you need to
change the depth of relatvity to the file(s).

Personally in your case I would use the relative from root method.

To link to an index.html page that is in root, all files however deeply
nested need only use <a href="/index.html" ..etc</a>

To link to index.html that has been moved to /marvinswebfiles/ then use
<a href="/marvinswebfiles/index.html" ..etc</a>

Can not totally understand your folder convension as you have described it
so maybe a touch of ascii art would help describe it.

Anyway, try the above method.

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