I'm working on a new site that has a content shift down some/most of the time when you load/reload a page. But not all the time. And not the entire page. The left column seems stable. This happens in IE 6.0, beta IE 7, and Opera 9.1 on the PC, but *not* in Firefox on the PC. And so far not in Firefox 1.5.06 on the Mac. Safari 2.0.4 on the Mac won't do it unless you continually reload the same page over and over, and then every once in a while it will do the jump.

css: http://bbi.syr.edu/common/level2_all.css

If you go down the main navigation links on the left, sometimes the new page does the vertical jump as it loads, sometimes not. And even if it doesn't, if you hit reload it flashes somewhat, but may not jump.

The homepage has a similar thing going on (related or not I don't know) if you hit reload.

css: http://bbi.syr.edu/common/temp_home.css

I hesitate to blame it on a browser bug, since it's happening to different degrees in more than one browser/platform. Validated my HTML and CSS to see if it was something obvious, but that hasn't helped so far. In a previous thread someone had mentioned width:100% on a container causing something similar... but didn't help here.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?? I'm stumped. Not that it takes much these days but there's got to be an explanation. Right? I don't have a solid grasp of how IE handles width/height issues, but since it's happening in Opera too I'm thinking there'd be more to it anyway.



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