I have used the same thing here - though primarily to save room. I have also found that the interaction has proved encouraging for people to read all the content a click-at-a-time instead of starting at the top and going elsewhere half way down.


I can see Bruce's point though - someone sufficiently stupid could be confused by it without instruction and I am in the process off adding background GIFs with arrows on for this method on another site.



OH - a quicky - pleease do not email me back saying "Hey, nice site - but your title tag is wrong and the code isn't really valid and I don't like green" - this is a live project that Lee and I are working on - it is not an exam piece for the pedantic high and mighty gang to comment on (you know the ones). You watch - one of them will only click the link and post their comments without reading this far - it's an itch they have to scratch ;-)

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