Hi there.

I'm looking to adopt a drop-down menu theme on my site. I've got most of it sorted, but there's still a few teething problems.

If you look at www.camieabz.co.uk for an example of the existing navigation tabs first (no drop-down).

The testsite link is www.camieabz.co.uk/menutest/index.html

The pertinent CSS file is www.camieabz.co.uk/menutest/menustyle.css and is solely for the menu section of the styling. There may be bits and pieces in the other style sheet which need to come out.


Opera / Firefox menu bar sits higher that drop-down menu, making navigation impossible.

Original site tabs have an image which forms the left border of the tabs. On the new version, they don't show. Also there should be a small black arrow image on menu items 1.5 and 5.5 to indicate another sub level menu. No show either.

Those are the important ones. The only other I can think of is that the original site tab colours are preferred, but the new ones are different.

Appreciate any help, as the template I'm using has (for me at least) slightly more complicated selectors than usual.

Many thanks!

Dave Cameron.

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