On Wed, 04 Oct 2006 04:26:32 +1000, Ruiz, Kevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have two image buttons that are not displaying a focus indicator in
> IE...this works fine in Firefox. The culprit seems to be the fact that
> both are within a div that's floating. Does anyone know a way around
> this. My client has made an issue of the fact that a user cannot see a
> visual indicator of focus when the user has tabbed to either of the
> buttons.

Please expand...

1. Does the focus appear when the div is not floated?

2. Are you using <input> or <button>?

As mentioned before, :focus doesn't work in IE 6 and below, but I'm
not sure if that is actually your problem.

Christian Montoya
christianmontoya.com ... portfolio.christianmontoya.com

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