Hassan Schroeder wrote:
> Thierry Koblentz wrote:

>> I run WAMP, and when I test a php version of my test page, I get the
>> exact same result as in IIS.

> What does PHP have to do with SSI??

Apache has an INCLUDES filter and parses SS-Includes, no?
But do you mean SSI or IIS? I'm not sure I understand that question.

> All I can tell you is my test shows the DOCUMENT_URI of the "parent"
> document, not the include. But that's on a system inside a firewall
> that I can't expose, so you'll have to take my word for it.

NP. I just ran a test on a *remote* server and I got the same result as

> There are lots of hosting plans. Some offer .htaccess override to
> allow people to enable specific features of the Apache httpd. And
> some don't. And some people lease servers, virtual or otherwise, so
> they don't have to worry about the whole issue, and can provide the
> best solution for their clients, full stop.

> You pay for what you want, or need, eh? That's not a reason to not
> discuss what the technology can provide...

I  totally agree, and that's why I put *IIS* into the picture  . ;-)

Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com

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